(CNS photo) |
Vatican II: 50 Personal Stories, edited by William Madges and
Michael J. Daley. Orbis Books (Maryknoll, N.Y., 2012). 272 pp. $28.
Reviewed by David Gibson |
Catholic News Service
"Vatican II taught many things, but few more important than the style of
relationships that was to prevail in the church."
"Vatican II: 50 Personal Stories" is a revised, expanded edition of
"Vatican II: Forty Personal Stories," published in 2003 (Twenty-Third
Publications). Both editions were co-edited by William Madges, dean of
the College of Arts and Sciences at Jesuit-run St. Joseph's University
in Philadelphia, and Michael Daley, a teacher of religion at St. Xavier
High School in Cincinnati.
In this edition Madges and Daley collect "50 stories that describe how
Catholics and others responded to the council and its teachings." A
storytelling approach is adopted by many of the book's contributors.
Benedictine Father Cyprian Davis made me smile with his description of
what it was like in 1967, just after the council, when his abbey, St.
Meinrad in Indiana, first celebrated the Liturgy of the Hours in
"It was a little like a minor earthquake," the historian of African-American Catholics recalls.
Father Joseph Komonchak was a seminarian in Rome during the council. The theologian's essay speaks of the council's "drama."
Today, Father Komonchak observes, "it is not rare that some who read the
(council's) texts for the first time wonder what all the fuss was
about. But for Catholics of the time, especially those resident in Rome,
the council as it unfolded, particularly during its first session in
1962, was experienced as a tense drama."
Father Komonchak retired in 2009 after teaching more than 30 years at The Catholic University of America.
The lives and careers of many writers in this book were shaped
powerfully by the Second Vatican Council. These writers realize that had
it not been for the council, their own lives would have followed a
quite different course.
I could relate to that aspect of the book. I graduated from college in
1963, during the council's early stages. There is no getting around the
fact that my decades-long future career as a Catholic journalist was
influenced significantly by the realities of the postconciliar era.
In the first of the book's six sections, eight writers look back at the context and times of the council.
In each of the other five sections, eight to nine writers discuss key
council themes: liturgy; the church; revelation, Scripture and
tradition; ecumenism and interreligious dialogue; and world issues and
social justice.
-- "Gauging the impact of Vatican II on the field of biblical
scholarship is something like calculating the impact on space travel of
Neil Armstrong's first footstep on the moon. Nothing will ever be the
same!" Those are words of Passionist Father Donald Senior, president of
Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
-- Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze, a former president of the
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, makes clear that "thanks
to Vatican II, the Catholic Church is irrevocably committed to meeting
other believers."
-- Trappist Father Basil Pennington, known to many as a teacher of
centering prayer, notes how the council "affirmed that liturgy and life
should be closely and coherently one, that liturgical prayer should be
an expression of the life of the people." Father Pennington died in
-- Thomas Groome points to the council as "a catalyst for Catholics to
become active agents of their faith rather than passive dependents." The
widely known religious educator at Jesuit-run Boston College writes in
the book's section on world issues and social justice.
It is not uncommon for commentators, taking a cue from church history,
to explain that it can take a good century for the church as a whole to
assess and digest an ecumenical council.
In that vein, Dennis Doyle affirms in the foreword to "Vatican II: 50
Personal Stories" that "the meaning of Vatican II is still being worked
out in the life of the church." Doyle long taught in the religious
studies department at the Marianist University of Dayton in Dayton,
All of which makes me wonder if a third edition of this book might
appear 10 years hence. If not, books similar to it are certain to come
off the presses in the decades ahead.
They will attempt yet again to grasp the council's full intent and to
spell out its far-reaching impact in key areas of Catholic life.
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Also of interest: "Vatican II: Its Impact on You" by Peter A. Huff. Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2012). 80 pp., $6.99.
"The Voice of Vatican II: Words for Our Church Today" by Peter A. Huff.
Liguori Publications (Liguori, Mo., 2012). 80 pp., $6.99.
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Gibson was the founding editor of Origins, Catholic News Service's
documentary service. He retired in 2007 after holding that post for 36