(CNS photos) |
"The Visitor: Andre Palmeiro and the Jesuits in Asia" by Liam Matthew
Brockey. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (Cambridge,
Massachusetts, 2014). 528 pp., $39.95.
"Evangelization in China: Challenges and Prospects" by Kin Sheung
Chiaretto Yan. Orbis Books (Maryknoll, New York, 2014). 178 pp., $30.
Taken together, these two books provide a clear introduction to
Christianity in China, particularly from the 16th century onward.
"The Visitor," in fact, takes a much broader scope than China. Author
Liam Matthew Brockey, an associate professor of history at Michigan
State University, traces the career of Portuguese Jesuit Father Andre
Palmeiro, as he rose through the academic ranks at the leading
Portuguese Jesuit colleges before being sent overseas at the age of 49.