Thursday, November 3, 2022

Female Doctors of the Church lead retreat in new book

(CNS photo/courtesy Ave Maria Press)
By Kathleen Finley | Catholic News Service

Because we have limited options for retreats, Vinita Wright offers the reader an opportunity to listen to and reflect with the four female doctors of the Church. She does so in a clear and articulate way, beginning with explaining what a saint is:

"Although each person in the [heavenly] family of God is considered a saint with a small “s,” some people live in such a way that their imitation of Christ's love has great impact on others. …

“Such a saint relates to others in a truly Christlike way:  with humility, wisdom, passion and a certain spiritual confidence that allows them to act on what they sense God is asking them to do. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Renaissance woman: Study of Michelangelo leads retired psychologist back to her faith

(CNS photo/ Handout via Detroit Catholic)
By Gigi De La Torre | Catholic News Service

For centuries, Renaissance art has captivated hearts and souls. Christine Panyard, a retired psychologist of 43 years and a parishioner at the Church of the Divine Child in Dearborn, Mich., is no stranger to the transformative effects of religious art. 

You never know what you’ll find in new ‘Christian Miscellany’

(CNS photo/ courtesy Wm. B. Eerdmans
By Daniel S. Mulhall | Catholic News Service

As the word suggests, a “miscellany” is a book compiled from an assortment of writers and writings, loosely organized around a common theme.

More like a randomly organized almanac than an anthology, a miscellany can touch upon a number of subject areas without any attempt at organization or progression. On any page the reader might find a story recounting the death of a martyr followed by a joke. You never know what you might find.

Tim Dowley’s “A Christian Miscellany” is true to its title. This is a book the reader will thumb through when searching for an interesting quotation about dying or a listing of titles for the Holy Spirit. You will find both in this small book.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Debut novel paints journeys to forgiveness, wholeness

(CNS photo/courtesy Katy Carl)
By Lindsey Weishar | Catholic News Service

Of her first novel, writer and editor-in-chief of the literary journal “Dappled Things,” Katy Carl says:

“The task of art is to represent, at some depth, reality as we find it and as it might be. This includes the front line of the battle between good and evil as Solzhenitsyn writes about it, a line that — too true — runs through every human heart without exception. … On this line only will we be able, if we really wish it, to find ourselves.”

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Graphic novel illustrates God at work in the midst of war

(Observer photo / Gary Haughton)
By Megan Peterson | The Observer

The typical path of a seminarian involves years of study with fellow seminarians, growing in his faith and fellowship. 

But although 1940s seminarian Gereon Goldmann is first shown reading from his Bible at a campfire alongside other young men, it becomes clear that Goldmann’s path to priesthood is far from typical. 

In illustrated panels of somber blues and grays, Goldmann lays out his plight and that of his home, Germany: “The authorities rejected Christianity and the Catholic Church. They rejected their own humanity as well. When I was 22, and a seminarian, I was drafted into their ranks. I became a compulsory Nazi.” 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Children’s books for summer showcase saints, adventure

(CNS composite) 
These are among books suitable for kids’ summer reading according to Catholic News Service reviewer Regina Lordan.

“Carlo Acutis: God’s Computer Genius” by Ellen Labrecque, illustrated by Dan Wegendt. Pauline Books and Media (Boston, 2021). 63 pp., $21.95.

Carlo Acutis is one of the only teenagers on the path to sainthood. Born in 1991, he lived his short life focusing his interests and talents toward doing God’s work — in person and online. 

He was a humble evangelizer through his example of being a joyful student who played soccer and the saxophone and who served the poor in his home city of Milan, Italy. 

Laden with sidebars about geography and the sacraments, “Carlo Acutis: God’s Computer Genius” also includes graphics, photographs and illustrations. Ages 9-13.

Scriptural sleuth: Paradoxical priest character enlivens Canadian writer's fiction

(CNS photo/ courtesy Mark Quinn)
Anne Emery
By Mike Mastromatteo | Catholic News Service

Canadian writer Anne Emery admits that it was the beauty of traditional sacred music that led her from an indifferent practice of the faith to a new appreciation of the eucharistic celebration and the dedication and service of priests.

It’s a transition the author describes masterfully through her character Father Brennan Burke, the wily protagonist who shows up in the majority of her crime and mystery stories.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Author shares Catholic view on common mental health challenges

(CNS photo/courtesy Ave Maria Press)
By Nancy L. Roberts | Catholic News Service

Depression, anxiety, trauma and grief are common mental health challenges. In the sea of advice given to deal with them, “St. Dymphna’s Playbook” offers a Catholic perspective.

Tommy Tighe, a licensed marriage and family therapist, combines his extensive clinical experience with insights from Scripture and the saints to give readers practical tools to cope.

Based on Tighe’s podcast of the same name, each chapter of the book gives an accessible explanation of a specific mental health concern. These include loneliness, irritability, hopelessness and relationships.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Book traces history of religious cinema

(CNS photo/courtesy BearManor Media)
By Nancy L. Roberts | Catholic News Service

The life story of Jesus Christ has fascinated filmmakers for more than 100 years. It’s not surprising that more movies have been made about Jesus than about any other subject, but the variation among these portrayals is stunning.

We see the classic, miracle-performing Son of God in epics such as “The Greatest Story Ever Told” (1965) with its all-star cast of Max von Sydow as Jesus and Charlton Heston as John the Baptist. This film achieved success as “an intellectual epic that carefully unfolded the power of Jesus’ ministry,” writes the author of “Jesus Christ Movie Star,” Phil Hall.

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dog stories highlight God's presence

(CNS photo/courtesy Howard Books)
By Regina Lordan | Catholic News Service

“Dogwinks” is a collection of remarkable short stories highlighting that nothing is impossible with God, and that sometimes His blessings are even more apparent with dogs along life’s twists and turns.

Written by SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt, authors of the best-selling “Godwinks” series, the book features tales of heroic canines, second chances and seemingly serendipitous encounters. Each true story represents a wink from God, an acknowledgment that He is present in the lives of humans.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Catholic influences guide bestselling romance writer

(CNS photo/ courtesy Nicholas Sparks)
Nicholas Sparks
By Mike Mastromatteo | Catholic News Service

Best-selling novelist Nicholas Sparks’ most recent book, “The Wish,” presents a plot common to many of his successful books.

Told through flashback and reflection over a 24-year timespan, the story follows the life of 40-ish New York City photographer Maggie Dawes, who as a teenager was sent to live with her Aunt Linda — a former nun — while she prepares to give birth to an unplanned and unexpected child. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

‘Buen Camino’ -- Deacon’s book shares a good journey

(Photo provided/ Deacon Ron “Willie” Williams)
By Amanda Hudson | News Editor

Deacon Ron “Willie” Williams of St. John Neumann Parish in St. Charles is a retired literature, composition, and history teacher who is also a three-time Camino de Santiago (Pilgrimage of St. James) walker. 

He has been married 46 years, has five children and six grandchildren and enjoys taking the kids on “Papa adventures.”

Ordained to the permanent diaconate in 1994, he works as a corporate chaplain, leads church missions, prison retreats, and serves at homeless shelters and as a spiritual director/counselor. He has been a member of St. John Neumann Parish for 35 years.