While we were considering selections, we got enthusiastic recommendations for Father O’Malley’s book.
The first came from Father Jonathan Bakkelund, who is teaching a course about Vatican II for the diocesan Theological Institute. We asked him for suggestions and he told us, “The best book out there is John W. O’Malley, SJ’s ‘What Happened at Vatican II.’ ”
His endorsement was enthusiastically seconded by both John McGrath, director of the diocesan Education Office, and Sister Nadine Meyer, SSND, an advocate at the diocesan Tribunal. Both praised it for its readability and scope.
McGrath said the volume not only covers the events and documents, discussing key players and events in the historic sessions, but also highlights the “people side” of gathering more than 2,000 of the Church’s hierarchy over a four-year period. Even planning for meals and breaks was a challenge when so many converged on the Vatican at once.
“What Happened at Vatican II” was selected as 2010 Book of the Year by the Tablet, a British Catholic weekly journal that has been published since 1840. It was also a 2009 Choice Outstanding Academic Title. Choice, says its website reviews “academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education.”
Other reviewers, according to the Harvard University Press, which published the book in 2008, also praised O’Malley’s work.
“O’Malley’s book represents a gift from his generation, which experienced the council, to the cohort coming of age today,” wrote John L. Allen, Jr., of Bookforum. “He wisely avoids lengthy quotations from the 16 documents produced by the council ... . Instead, he captures the main points of the texts, as well as the floor debates and behind-the-scenes struggles that generated the council’s drama.”
Peter S. Steinfels, writing in The New York Times, said, “How the bishops took charge of the agenda and radically reshaped the outcome is a story of bold confrontations, clashing personalities and behind-the-scenes maneuvers, all recounted in colorful detail by Father O’Malley. ... This is a tale with plenty of cliffhangers.”
“This is a masterful presentation,” said Jared Wicks, professor emeritus of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. “It carries the reader deeper into the reality and outcome of Vatican II than do the other existing books on the council.”
Join us as we launch our Year of Faith book club with “What Happened at Vatican II.”
We plan to explore a variety of topics that will help us better understand the past, present and future of our faith.
We’ll discuss “What Happened at Vatican II” at 4 p.m., Jan. 9, at the Diocesan Administration Center in Rockford.
Because of limited seating, those interested in being at the discussion will need to RSVP by Jan. 7.
To join us for our discussion, you’ll need to fill out a form at the top of the book club page at The Observer’s website, http://observer.rockforddiocese.org. Click on the book club logo to get to the registration form and the club’s blog. You’ll get a confirmation email to bring with you to the discussion.
The Vineyard in Rockford will stock the book and it's available from various online book outlets.